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2 min read
Nystagmus is the involuntary oscillation of one or both eyes either left and right (most common), up and down, or rotationally.

1 min read
Preseptal Cellulitis vs Orbital Cellulitis
Preseptal cellulitis refers to an infection anterior to the orbital septum whereas orbital cellulitis is posterior to the orbital septum.

2 min read
Myasthenia Gravis and the Eye
Myasthenia Gravis (MG) is an autoimmune condition where the body creates antibodies that block muscle activation.

3 min read
Migraines and the Eye
Historically, it was thought that migraines, episodes of moderate to severe head pain, from fluctuations in blood flow to the brain.

2 min read
Scleritis refers to inflammation and swelling of the sclera.

1 min read
Thygeson's SPK
Thygeson’s superficial punctate keratitis (SPK) is a condition that affects the cornea of each eye.

4 min read
Refractive Eye Surgeries
Refractive eye surgery refers to a collection of surgeries that change the power of either the cornea or the lens.

2 min read
Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis and the Eye
Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is the most common systemic disease associated with anterior uveitis in childhood.

2 min read
Infectious Keratitis
Infectious keratitis occurs when a microbe (bacteria, fungus, or protozoa), or virus infects at least one of the layers of the cornea.

2 min read
Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus
Herpes zoster exits the trigeminal nerve and infects the tissues of the orbit and half the skin of the face.

2 min read
Thyroid Eye Disease/Grave's Disease
There are 2 stages of TED. Stage 1 refers to the inflammatory stage where the antibodies attack orbital tissues and cause swelling.

1 min read
Retention/Inclusion Cyst and Lymphangiectasia
Retention (or inclusion) cysts and lymphangiectasias represent thinly walled lesions over the sclera containing clear fluid.

2 min read
Neurotrophic Keratopathy
Neurotrophic keratopathy refers to a variety of conditions where the corneal nerves stop functioning.

2 min read
Spasms of the Eye
Spasms occur when these nerves, without a known stimulus, cause contraction of the muscles they control.

2 min read
Marginal Keratitis
Marginal keratitis refers to a hypersentivity reaction within the cornea to the bacteria on the eyelids and is seen as white dots.

2 min read
Phlyctenulosis refers to a hypersensitivity reaction usually within the conjunctiva or cornea to the bacteria on the eyelids.

2 min read
Recurrent Corneal Erosions
Recurrent corneal erosions occur when the epithelium, during sleep, starts to stick to the back of the eyelids and upon awakening rips open.

2 min read
Ocular Rosacea
Rosacea is a common chronic skin condition that can affect facial skin by causing blood vessels to become visible, blushing, flushing , etc.

2 min read
Pseudoexfoliation Syndrome (Exfoliation Syndrome)
Pseudo-exfoliation syndrome is a condition whereby fibrous material leaks from the blood vessels of the eye and accumulates within the eye.

2 min read
Pinguecula vs Pterygium
A pinguecula and a pterygium are two very similar ocular findings.
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