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Solar Retinopathy

Dr Ben Wild


The retina is located at the back surface of the inside of the eye. Its main function is to detect and transmit the sensation of light to the brain for interpretation. Clinically, the macula refers to the part of the retina that represents the finely detailed central vision.

Healthy retina

A frontal view of a healthy eye fundus (back of the eye) where the macula represents the dark circle.

Solar retinopathy occurs when photoreceptors absorb intense solar radiation (light from the sun) and burst. These micro-explosions usually start a few hours after exposure to intense light (could also be from welding or other intense light sources).

Retina with solar retinopathy

A frontal view of an eye with a lamellar hole caused by solar retinopathy.

Signs and Symptoms


A yellow or red fovea (center of the macula) that may progress into a macular lamellar hole (hole several retinal layers thick), thinning fovea.


Central blind spot, variable vision loss.

Causes and Risk Factors


Looking at intense light such as the sun.

Risk Factors

See causes.

Prevention and Treatment


Wear welding level eye protection for welding or for observing solar eclipses. View eclipses indirectly via cell phone.


· There are no treatments available.


A full recover occurs in the vast majority of cases. The likelihood of recovery depends on the intensity and duration of the light stimulus. In some cases, recovery takes a full 6 months. In rare cases, permanent central vision loss occurs.


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